
Juice for eye health

Eye health is identical with vitamin A. Vitamin A acts on the retinal cells to function to see the light of the dark. To help the healing process of eye disease, could be overcome with diligent eating fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin A.
According to the book entitled 'Secrets of Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Juice', written by Budi Sutomo & dr. Billy Ibrahim said the addition of vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopen, and lutein are also very good for maintaining the epithelial cells of the eyes stay healthy and functioning properly.
With diligent consume fruit juices and vegetables rich in vitamin A, as in the soursop fruit, citrus, tomatoes, bananas, starfruit, avocados, grapes, pomegranates, apples, pineapple, pear, litchi and vegetables such as spinach, beans, kale and broccoli will help the healing process of the eye disease.

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