UV Rays Harmful For Eyes
Did you know that not only can burn our skin by ultraviolet light, but our eyes too, if we do not protect it from radiation that powerful.
Ultraviolet sharpness of the eyes can cause some problems in the eye, such as cataracts, petrigium, fotokeratitis, and degenerative changes in the cornea.
Such conditions can lead to blurred vision, irritation, red eyes, watery eyes, loss of sight for a moment, and in certain cases of impaired vision.
Like the skin that can be burned by UV radiation, the eye can also be damaged. It is worth noted, especially for young people, that the eyes also need protection or protection. A simple way to protect eyes is to wear a hat that can protect the eyes from the light directly, or by wearing glasses that can reduce the strength of UV radiation.
Generally, children and adolescents more often suffered eye damage due to UV radiation, because they spend more time outside the home, while the lenses of their eyes is actually more transparent than those owned by adults, and this causes light rays or heat more easily to go through to their retinas.
Still, not many people are aware of the dangers of UV light is for the eyes.
A survey conducted by AOA (Optometrik Association of America) in 2007 found that 40% of Americans do not think UV protection as one of the factors taken into consideration for choosing sunglasses. The survey also found that 61% of Americans buy sunglasses for their children, but 23% of them did not consider whether the lenses have the ability to absorb UV light.
AOA has some tips for choosing sunglasses, among others:
Always wear eye protection, any time you're faced with the possibility of UV radiation, although the situation in cloudiness.
If you buy the glasses, then purchase it with a protective UV sunglasses. He should be 99% protection from radiation, UV-A and UV-B, and the glass must be 75 to 90% able to capture light.
In addition, make sure the lens spectacles fitted with a color and free of distortion. Buy a lens that is grayed out. He can reduce light intensity without affecting color change of the object. He also presents colors more natural.
Encourage children and teens wear sunglasses. They generally spend much time in the hot sun.